Welcome to the official blog of The Black Cat!



  • Who are you?
I'm Freelance Illustrator. 

  • Where can I find your works?
You can find my works  on DeviantArt, as the user G-Ivanov and on Facebook's Page as The Black Cat.
I have an account on Society6 too.

  • What kind of media do you use to draw or paint?
I prefer working with traditional media, like watercolour or colored pencils. I painted with acrylics. Sometimes I use to draw digital media, (photoshop).

  • Do you take commissions?
Sure, you can ask me privately at the mail: theblackcatcommissionandwork@gmail.com.

Rules about Commission:

- They can be varied  by the subject and the hours spending on their creation.
- The prices are based on the shipping cost.
- I'll only accept the paying in advance on Paypal account, that I'll send you as confirmed the work.

Rules about Prices:

  • How much does a commission of an illustration or a picture cost?
It depends by the work and the commission, that you like to ask me. The price depends from the media,  the place where I have to send, the composition of the image, and if you want the original copy.

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