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Eva, watercolour 

She is the first woman created by God. Her husband was Adam, from whose rib God created her to be his companion. She succumbs to the serpent's temptation via the suggestion that to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would improve on the way God had made her, and that she would not die, and she, believing the lie of the serpent rather than the earlier instruction from God, shares the fruit with Adam. As a result, the first humans are expelled from the Garden of Eden and are cursed.

This is the Christian vision but I prefer the Eve's symbolism in Gnosticism, even if I am agnostic.
In fact, Gnosticism sees Eve as the idea of the supreme feminine principle, called Barbelo (from Arb-Eloh). She is equated with the light-maiden of Sophia (Wisdom), creator of the word (Logos) of God, the "thygater tou photos" or simply the Virgin Maiden, "parthenos". In other texts she is equated with Zoe(Life).

 Especially among the Marcionites, women in Gnosticism were considered equal to men, being revered as prophets, teachers, traveling evangelists, faith healers, priests and even bishops.

This sentence made me think. 

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