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Nymph pt 2

                                Nymph| pencils. watercolour, ink, cray pastels |The Black Cat (x) (x) (x)

A long time ago I used to create work with a lot of colour and mixed media. They were portrait and first try of things that I like to see on an artwork (expression, strong colours, big contrast and abstract part). Seeing other Artists I start create a style for illustration, that remember celtic stuff, even If I'm not so comfortable with that, but I always missed this style. I feel like I had to improve again and starting from what make me feel good and enthusiastic as an artist, but at the same time trying new things and styles.
In this work I tried to add some details. In fact it's not only a face but an half body, and a sketch of a possible background. Basically is an expressionist nymph. Hope you like it.

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