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The Blue the Green

                         The Blue the Green| pencils. watercolour,  |The Black Cat (x) (x) (x)

There was one time,
There was sunshine,
And the clouds staggered in.
I was crashing down a hillside,
Tied up in the blue and the green.
There was progress,
In the process,
Of the hope that fell on me.
Then you wake up in a hollow,
There's a black mark where your heart should've been.

Carry me out to the garden,
So I can breath it in,
'Cause I'm in trouble again.
Carry me out to the garden,
So I can stop the end,
'Cause I'm in trouble again.

When I woke that night,
My head was spinning round.
Could have laid down and died,
But my head was spinning round.

I wanna know what it's like,
So I can feel it inside.

Lonely The Brave - The Blue The Green 

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